Zaha Hadid Architects in London have unveiled their design for Moscow’s Klenovity Boulevard Station 2, as part of the ever expanding and ‘large circle line’ as it translates.
The station sits on a junction near the Moscow River and works as the connection point to the river and Kolomenskoye Park and a UNESCO World Heritage-listed church.
The whole space works as the passenger disembarks off the train and steps onto the platform, they are welcomed by the ‘pillars’ that envelope the railway line and spring across the track into the open space.
They act as trees, and their roots & branches act as curved structures forming pathways guiding visitors through the space and onwards to their connections. The pillars or trees mould into the space and change into overhead and floor lighting features.
Stepping onto and off the trains these tree light-roots align with the doors, similar to trains in Japan, helping travellers line-up onto the trains and at the same time allowing people off without collision.
The whole space literally flows.